Siphonophora - Strefa Wydziału Rzeźby ASP

Siphonophora is a unique light installation inspired by microorganisms, suspended from the ceiling of the tunnel. Its framework is made of a metal mesh, adorned with various fabrics, fluorescent threads, and LED lights. Tentacles extend from the central body of the installation to the floor, encouraging visitors to interact and offering unique visual and sensory experiences.

The project is a result of collaboration between the Basic Design Studio of the Sculpture and Intermedia Department at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk and Hackerspace Trójmiasto. Second-year Sculpture students from the Basic Design Studio program were invited to participate.

The project was conceived and led by student Paula Łazicka. Paula’s project team included Małgorzata Grunland, Małgorzata Kupper, Martyna Rutkowska, Wiktoria Gawin, and Apolonia Gąsiorek.

The student’s project team included: Julia Drozd-Tietianiec,Małgorzata Grunland, Apolonia Gąsiorek, Klara Kerszka, Wiktoria Gawin, Zuzanna Kalisz, Weronika Treppa.