The arc flash - Shipyard Lights - Michał Mackiewicz

The Shipyard. Vast plains of steel bathed in a haze of smoke and dust, intermittently illuminated by explosions of an electric arc fountain of sparks, molten lava of melting steel, mysterious corridors and nooks intersected by beams of light seeping from cracks. Michał Mackiewicz’s work seeks to capture the and luminous impression of distinctive shipyard sceneries, blending the experiences of a shipyard welder with the perspective of an artist.

This will be the inaugural presentation of the Lucid Lines Shipyard Lights project. The creator offers a glimpse into the initial phase of work - a spatial sketch of a series of artistic installations narrating the raw, industrial beauty of the Gdańsk Shipyard. Shipyard Lights is a multidimensional sculpture, painting, and light installation born from the collective expertise of a musician, theatrical lighting designer, set designer, painter, and shipyard worker.